Fashion inspired by Braille
A model in a sunshine yellow, floor length dress walks down the runway at a fashion show. Her back is to the camera.A young fashion designer with no central vision is making waves with her Braille-inspired clothing collection.
Bianca used flowy, gauzy material to create the blurred effect she often sees herself and then added quotes from Helen Keller in Braille to some of the pieces.
The fact that this young woman is garnering praise for her designs shows that we can all do what we love. As Bianca’s instructor says, in order for her to be a successful designer, “We’ve had to re-write some of the usual rules – but that’s what designers have been doing for years.”
Read more about Bianca’s experience and fashion collection in this article.
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Visually impaired student unveils incredible Braille-inspired collection at Graduate Fashion Week

Posted in Advocacy for Vision Impaired, Low Vision, Real Life Stories | 1 Comment(s)
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