Stroke and TBI Blindness
blindnessA new study shows that visual rehabilitation is useful for patients who have suffered vision loss or blindness due to strokes or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). Researchers at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine found the NeuroEyeCoach visual rehabilitation therapy improved vision in over 80 percent of patients who experienced a stroke or TBI.

"Up to recently, there was very little treatment available to restore vision loss in this population," said Jose Romano, Chief of the Stroke Division at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, noting that while stroke and TBI patients regain some vision on their own, but "very few regain it completely."

Please contact SDCB if you are struggling with vision loss or blindness in California. We offer many programs and services that can improve your quality of life.

"Vision rehab treatment effective for stroke and injury related blindness"

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