The true story of Louis Braille
A sketch of a young child reading a bookSix dots is a tribute to the life and work of Louis Braille, creator of the Braille system that so many now use to read. The illustrated book is now available.

Louis was only three when an accident in his father’s workshop caused an infection that would take all of his sight. As a young child, he was sent to a school for the blind where he realized that it wasn’t possible for blind people to read with the current systems. After hearing about the invention of Morse Code, Louis decided there must be a way to communicate in a similar fashion for the blind. He set his heart of figuring it out. It took many years and many sleepless nights, but what he finally created is Braille, the raised bumps that form letters making it possible for the blind to read long before technology came about.

Learn more about the inventor and his accomplishments in this article on Louis Braille.

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Six dots: the Remarkable Life and Legacy of Child Inventor Louis Braille, Illustrated

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