Older Americans at Significant Risk of Vision Loss
vision lossThe number of older Americans at high risk for vision loss rose from 65 million to 93 million between 2002 and 2017, according to federal data. This news is concerning and should prompt more older people to get regular eye tests. The research appearing in JAMA Ophthalmology shows that those at significant risk of losing their sight include people with diabetes and anyone with eye or vision problems.

"The number of adults at high risk for vision loss is high and may continue to increase in the coming years with the increasing population of adults over 65 years and prevalence of diabetes," said study lead author Sharon Saydah, a senior scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Please reach out to San Diego Center for the Blind if your life is impacted by vision loss.

"Rising Number of Older Americans at Risk of Vision Loss"

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