Searching For A Job If You Are Blind

Anthony MelenaAnthony Melena graduated from UCLA in 2019, just before the pandemic, flush with the hope of finding the ideal job.  The fact that he was blind did not deter him.  After all, he had successfully graduated high school, gained admittance to the #1 public university in the country, and graduated from it.  Surely the UCLA moniker on his resume would open a lot of doors.

To one extent, it did,  Anthony got his share of interviews.  However, due to the pandemic, they were via Zoom - which made it easier for him to attend those interviews.  However, they failed to pan out, one by one.

Luckily, Anthony received training which made him realize a few key points.  He needed to realize that:
  1. He needed to sell himself as a complete package, not just a collection of skills.
  2. Who you know is often as important as what you know.
  3. He needed a support structure.
  4. He needed to work in his interview and human interaction skills.
Fortunately, Anthony now has a job he loves!

The missing piece in my job search puzzle

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