Smartphones Could Prevent Glaucoma Blindness

Picture Of A SmartphoneOne of the hallmarks of glaucoma is elevated levels of intraocular pressure (IOP) in the eye. It would be useful to have a non-invasive method of checking a person’s IOP and could lead to early detection of glaucoma, which could prevent blindness down the road. A group of researchers suggests that using smartphones to scan our eyes could help detect eye diseases. Using soundwaves generated for our smartphones could prevent glaucoma blindness. Dr. Khamis Essa, Director of the Advanced Manufacturing Group at the University of Birmingham, says:

“We discovered a relationship between the internal pressure of an object and its acoustic reflection coefficient. With further investigation into eye geometry and how this affects the interaction with soundwaves, it [sic] possible to use a smartphone to accurately measure IOP from the comfort of the user’s home.”

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“Smartphones could help to prevent glaucoma blindness”

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