Blind and Autistic Boy Walks by Faith Not By Sight
BlindChristopher, a young boy with the voice of an angel, came into this world with the deck stacked against him. His aunt and uncle adopted him after a stint in foster care. Christopher was born at 26 weeks with cocaine in his system. He received oxygen for 100 days, but his eyes were unable to adequately develop—which led to retinal detachment in both eyes. Being blind and autistic made it challenging to communicate, so his adoptive parents hired a music therapist who quickly discovered that Christopher has perfect pitch.
"My blindness does not limit me, I just do things differently," Christopher said. "It enables me to see people as they really are. I see no color, tattoos or crazy hairdos. It bothers me that people prejudge each other. How different would it be if everyone chose to see with their hearts?"

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Teen overcomes blindness and autism with music"
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