Take a Leap of Faith to Find a Cure for Blindness
blindnessBrothers Bradford and Bryan Manning are living with Stargardt disease, a type of macular degeneration affecting central vision. The brothers are committed to helping fund blindness research; they started a charitable apparel company called Blind Brothers – 100 percent of profits go to retinal research. This Christmas, the Mannings are inviting people to "shop blind." Their website states:

"The ethos behind Shop Blind is simple: we blacked out our website so that you won't be able to see any of the items we normally sell. The premise of Shop Blind is 'trust' — we’re asking you to trust us to get a product we think you will LOVE without ever having seen it; the same way we place our trust in others to accomplish everyday tasks many often take for granted."

If you need assistance with vision loss, then you have come to the right place. SDCB offers several innovative programs to assist people living with visual impairment.

“Would you shop blind (for a cause)?”

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