Smart Backpack for Visually Impaired People

Picture of physical setup of the MIRA Guidance System for the BlindGuide dogs are instrumental for many visually impaired people in navigating their way through the world. White canes also help blind men and women detect obstacles that may present challenges. In the near future, a backpack could be the chosen means of navigating for people with diminished fields of vision. The MIRA Guidance System for the Blind, a smart backpack powered by Intel for visually impaired people, is being tested.

Intel's advanced AI software and processors have been housed in a laptop carried inside a backpack. A vest with a camera sends information to the computer, which in turn sends audio notifications related to the user's immediate environment via a Bluetooth earpiece.

Please reach out to San Diego Center for the Blind to learn more about our vision rehabilitation programs and services.

"Cutting Edge Intel AI-Powered Backpack Could Replace A Guide Dog For Blind People"

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