The Art World Is Becoming Accessible
The outside of The Louvre in Paris in winter with a light dusting of snow on the ground.It is becoming more popular for museums around the world to offer tactile exhibits that welcome visually impaired visitors. Some of these exhibits recreate old two dimensional paintings while others are created specifically to engage the other four senses.
Georgia Krantz is the creator of the “Mind’s Eye” series at the Guggenheim in New York. The series provides workshops that offer multisensory experiences to visually impaired museum visitors.
“We see through our brains, not our eyes,” Krantz explained. “The eye is just one of the channels through which sensory information is passed to the brain for processing.”
Read more about the work that is being done to make art fully accessible at museums around the world in this article.
Have you attended any accessible art exhibits? Share your experiences in the comment section.
A New Way to See Art

Posted in Assistive Technology, Blind Living Skills, Visually Impaired | 1 Comment(s)
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